This is me (2nd from left) with the top executives of Sunpower Corporation U.S.A., Sunpower Philippines Mfg. Ltd and Thomas McDaniel, Sunpower Board Member (2nd from right)
SunPower has a Corporate Social Responsiblity (CSR) Program that is solely focused on social responsiveness to community.
Free Wheelchair for the poor and disabled
Last week, March 3, 2011 SunPower Foundation in its continuous effort to reach out to the community held the "Alay Ko Ang Lakad Mo" (My Gift of Mobility) at Sunpower Philippines Mfg. Ltd., in Batangas City. The joined forces of Sunpower Foundation, McDaniel Family Foundation and the Free Wheelchair Mission donated a number of wheelchairs to the poor and disabled.
Thomas McDaniel (SunPower Board Member) - Checking the wheelchairs that were being assembled by SunPower employees
In February, 2009, Sunpower Corporation, a Silicon Valley-based manufacturer of high efficiency solar cells, solar panels and solar systems with two manufacturing facilities in the Philippines appointed electric power industry veteran Thomas R. McDaniel to its board of directors. McDaniel retired from Edison International after 37 years of service.
Tom McDaniel is actively involved in several philanthropic and charitable organizations. He serves as a director of the Senior Care Action Network (SCAN), a Medicare Advantaged HMO which provides healthcare to senior citizens. McDaniel is also a director of the $200 million SCAN Foundation whose mission is to support initiatives to improve the cost effectiveness and quality of healthcare for the elderly. Through the McDaniel Family Foundation, he works with the Boys and Girls Club of Huntington Beach, the Adult Day Care Center and the Free Wheelchair Mission. He and his family have distributed approximately 2,500 wheelchairs to the poor and disabled in Chile, Cambodia and Vietnam.

Free Wheelchair Mission is an international faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to providing wheelchairs for the impoverished disabled in developing nations. Working in creative partnership with a network of like-minded humanitarian groups, FWM has sent over 430,000 wheelchairs to over 70 countries around the world, delivering not only the gift of mobility, but one of dignity, independence and hope. This organization was founded in 2001 by Don Schoendorfer, who has a PhD in biomechanical engineering from MIT. Headquartered in Irvine, California, FWM has over 675 volunteers worldwide. Funding for the wheelchairs are provided by private and public donations including individuals, groups, corporations, churches, universities and foundations. To save on costs and ensure quality control, the wheelchairs are assembled by a pre-approved distribution partner in the country which they will be distributed and given to recipients for free. Right now, the total cost of producing the parts for a wheelchair and shipping them to the place they will be used is under $60.00. As of October 2009, FWM has shipped over 430,000 wheelchairs. Their goal is to deliver 20 million wheelchairs to developing countries all over the world. Free Wheelchair Mission Founder and President, Donald Schoendorfer, received Above and Beyond Award during Medal of Honor Day on March 25, 2008, at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C.

Specially designed for use in rugged terrain, the FWM wheelchair combines the durability of a resin lawn chair and the strength of a custom steel frame, all tucked into a sturdy pair of mountain bike tires - and costs less only $59.20 each.
An opening speech from my boss, Gregory Reichow - Vice President for Sunpower Phils. Operations
Children from the Barangay Ulango Elementary School sang the Philippine National Anthem
One of the highlights of the "Alay Ko Ang Lakad Mo" (My Gift of Mobility) CSR event is the "Assemble That Wheelchair Contest" participated by Sunpower Philippines Employees and top executives from Sunpower Corporation U.S.A., our mother company. Participants were grouped into teams.
With some of our SunPower top executives during the CSR activity "Alay Ko Ang Lakad Mo" (My Gift of Mobility). From left, Thomas Werner - CEO, SunPower Corp. U.S.A., Linda Perry Lynch - EHS Director, Sunpower Corp. U.S.A., Marty Neese - COO, SunPower Corp. U.S.A., Loree Farrar - VP for Human Resources, SunPower Corp. U.S.A., my boss Gregory Reichow - VP for SunPower Phils. Operations, Alyssa Newman - Manager for Corporate Sustainability and SunPower Foundation, Ralph Robinett - Site Director for Modco, Thomas McDaniel - SunPower Board Member and Jean Myer - Construction EHS Director, SunPower Corp. U.S.A.
Some of the wheelchair parts and a partially assembled wheelchair
Me and some of the Sunpower Phils. employees participating in the contest
SunPower employees assembling the wheelchairs
My boss, Greg Reichow as always gives motivation to employees
Let's see..does this part goes here ?
Almost done !
Our Top Executives from SunPower Corp. U.S.A. in action
Hmmm...How does others do it ?... Marty Neese (Chief Operating Officer) looking at somebody else's work
This is a brainteaser !
Did I do it right ? ... Loree Farrar (VP-Human Resources)
How are we doing guys ?
I think this part goes there ...Tom Werner, CEO (2nd from left) handing a part to Marty.
This is challenging !
We are almost finish with this one !
Dennis Arriola, Chief Financial Officer and Bruce Ledesma, General Counsel ~
Linda Perry Lynch, EHS Director and Jean Myer, Construction EHS Director
We finished two wheelchairs ! More to come !
A cultural presentation by Lahing Batangan dance group
Marty is hungry after assembling wheelchairs. Filipino food and delicacies were served.
Tom Werner, CEO-SunPower Corporation U.S. with the other top executives giving a speech
Here we are with our CEO, Tom Werner and COO, Marty Neese