Share and Learn @ Lunch Program
Last October, 2010, I initiated the "Share & Learn @ Lunch Program" at our Cell Fab 2 Site in Batangas City. The attendees were mostly from the Administration side and I invited some other employees from support group since Administrative staff are only a few. The launching was successful and everyone had a great time during the session.
Faith Lago-Ramirez presenting her topic
WHAT IS SHARE and LEARN @ LUNCH PROGRAM ? It is a sharing, learning and training event scheduled during the lunch hour. It is a way to get training done by making the lunch hour multi-tasking. I actually formed this for the administrative personnel which includes me to boost our morale and motivation since I felt that we are left out and not given much attention in the organization. Most of the programs concentrate on the manufacturing operations people.
Presentation Material of Faith Lago-Ramirez
Fe Imperial discussing her material which is entitled "Growing in SunPower"
We are happy that one of the management staff, our Security Director, Henry Castaneda is supporting us and attending our Program to give some comments and advice.

To boost one’s speaking confidence
To learn from other employees

To foster camaraderie among employees
Eva Dela Cruz' topic entitled "Workplace Relationships"
Last February 14, 2011, Valentine's Day was our second assembly. I scheduled it on this day to share the love and celebrate Valentine's Day with my office colleagues.
Typical Topics for Share and Learn @ Lunch Program
1. Skills Training – anything that will enhance your ability, talent and competence (e.g. communication, leadership, sports, etc)
2. Professional Development – Give people the opportunity to learn what other departments do
3. Personal Development – offers an occasional session on any talent any of the employees is willing to teach (e.g. painting, drawing, etc.)
4. Product Training – learn about the company’s product and services
5. Life Skills – Anything that helps employees learn (e.g. household budgeting, child care and parenting, first aid, fire safety, etc)
Eva dela Cruz from our in-house travel agency, Northstar Travel was scheduled to present that day
Here we are : From left, Grace Cus, Me ~ Elvie Mesiona, Mary Ahnne Razon, Jaycelyn Chavez and Eva dela Cruz
With the attendees from Administration, Finance, EHS, Back-end Operation and Security Dept.
From left : Grace Cus, Fe Imperial and myself enjoying our lunch
Jaycelyn Chavez' topic "Basics of Time and Stress Management
Jaycee discussing her materials with our participation
From left : Desiree Alpajora, Andrea Bunquin and Eva dela Cruz
Our delicious lunch !
I am really pleased to read this informative blog. I am also inspired by your share and learn program.
Thanks for your wonderful comment !
Hi Elvie,
It looks like you really love what you do and you really care for the employees-friends around you. This is wonderful!
Hi Terrans !
Thanks for the beautiful comment !
Have a great day !
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