My former boss, Gregory Reichow, popularly known as "Superman" or the "Tom Cruise" of SunPower Phils. Mfg. Ltd. I actually made this photo for one of our presentation materials during our farewell party for him dubbed as "Greg's Oscar Awards" about one year ago. I think I did a great job putting his face on Superman's body !!!
The Oscar Award goes to ... Gregory Reichow !
It was a quiet Friday morning, March 30th at SunPower Fab 2 in Batangas. Robert Vinje, our Vice President for Corporate Facilities and EHS and Sustainability arrived and was whispering to me. At first I did not understand what he was saying so I moved closer to his room. He was actually telling me that my former boss for more than seven (7) years at SunPower is there at Fab 2. Rob and Greg were actually long time friends. They both worked at Cypress Semiconductor U.S.A. for a couple of years prior to joining SunPower Corporation and both went to the same University ~ University of Minnesota, U.S.A.
Me and my former boss, Gregory Reichow a.k.a. "Superman" Returns !
I knew he was coming over to the Philippines for a family vacation during Holy Week but I was not expecting he would drop by Fab 2 to see us. I heard his usual laugh at the hallway while talking to Jerry Collins, our EHS Director. It took him sometime to enter the Administration area so I decided to secretly check on him from the other door but I could not see him. The walls seems to be hiding and embracing him preventing me from having a good view of him but I can hear his familiar voice.

Greg with Administration, Start-up Engineering, Expansion and Finance personnel at SunPower Fab 2
Some of the ladies were eager to see Superman with his great strength and power like "sun power." Then my former boss entered the work group area and I saw him walked towards me. He was smiling with a rosy cheeks. I stood up and gave him a big smile and a hug. Nothing has changed ... still the tall, intelligent, humble and handsome guy we have worked for several years. Love and adored by everyone due to his great leadership and people oriented disposition. He just arrived that morning from San Francisco, CA with his family and I was so sure he was tired from long travel but he really made an effort to visit us. It was a great feeling to see him once again and we walked around to see some of the employees. As usual employees love to take photos with him as if there was a famous celebrity.
Greg with Boy Alfelor, Vice President - Fab 2 Manufacturing Operations
With Purchasing and Logistics Staff
With Manufacturing and Engineering staff at the ground floor work group area
>I think I did a great job putting his face on Superman's body !!!
- You most certainly did! I am terrible with art, but I know how to appreciate good work.
> Then came my former boss, nothing has changed. Still so handsome
- Handsome is as handsome does, Elvie. Your boss made the time to see his former colleagues and that was mighty nice of him. Just as nice as this acknowledgement of yours via a post.
It’s plain to see that you like your workplace. Earlier today, I wrote a comment on another blog I follow about happy workers. Sadly, they are a rarified breed. But you are one of them. So am I. :-)
Below, I’ll share part of my other comment about another happy worker I came across recently.
I went to a local bakery, which is one of these upper crust establishments. The only thing I get from there is their brown bread. (I am spoiled for choice with home baked goodies in my city, so I can easily avoid commercial outlets.) That time, I needed 10 loaves of sliced, brown bread and decided to pick them up myself unlike my regular bi-weekly loaf that a neighbour generously picks up for me.
It was mid morning and sunny outside, so I didn’t attempt peering in as I approached the entrance. As I got to the all-glass door and reached for the long steel handle, the door opened for me. I was greeted very pleasantly by a smartly attired, polite gentleman who went on the make the entire transaction an unusual one with his courteous and professional attitude.
Fast forward to me receiving my receipt. I decided to tell him a few things; I just *had* to. This was how our brief conversation went.
Me: Are you the owner of The Bakery?
Manager: No, Ma’am, I am the manager.
Me: Oh. I had read about this establishment in the newspapers when you opened about a year ago. The thing that caught my attention then was the brown bread; the ingredients you use and the baking process. They are what I’d like them to be.
Still me: You very obviously take pride in your job because it shows. I am happy to see a happy employee. Not too many of those to be found around. Good for you!
Manager: Thank you, Ma’am!
Oh, how pleased he looked! And how pleased I was!
Best of all, how easy it is for each of us to make someone else happy. Your boss will surely be delighted with your post.
Hi Kate,
Thanks for a wonderful comment and for sharing about "Happy workers." Happiness comes from within and the will to be happy. The quality of your thoughts and every simple blessing brings joy. The good we do today becomes the happiness of tomorrow.
Hi Kim, I got in touch with Mr. Reichow first regarding your request. However, he prefers not to post his photo as that information is an error. Thanks for your understanding.
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