The Halloween Owl
By Elvira Rosemarie Mesiona
One Halloween night, a young owl flew gently and quietly into a far away town surrounded by oak trees. He landed on an old sleeping tree. It was cold, dark and windy and the tree was startled by the hooting sound of the owl. “Huh ! Hey, young owl !” said the old Oak Tree, what brings you here in this old town ? You have awaken me from my deep sleep. I was tired all day and badly needed a good rest. “Oh…I am sorry Mr. Oak Tree” said the owl in his trembling voice. My name is Iko, a young owl and I did not mean to disturb you sir during this hour. I am lost, tired and hungry and I could not find my way home back to my mother and two other siblings. The young owl continued his hooting and screeching sound. Oh poor little owl ! said the Oak Tree. Come here and I will keep you warm underneath my strong branches and green bountiful leaves. But you have to promise me that you will be quiet for the night ! Today is Halloween night and the children will be all out for the Trick or Treat. You will scare them away ! Ah…Mr. Oak Tree, why are the children afraid of me ? Why are they scared of owls ? We do not hurt or eat them. I am young, energetic and I wanted to be with children. I want to be their friend.
It is a long story little owl said the old Mr. Oak Tree. You see a long time ago, owls have long been part of the human folklore. People believed that owl is a symbol of death and misfortune. For them, owls are creatures of darkness like bats… a sinister that hunts during the night That is why many early cultures are afraid of the night. To hear the sound of an owl screeching reminded people of the cackling of the witch. Any nocturnal beings were believed to be associated with evil. This belief was passed on from one generation to the other and entered the Halloween tradition. An evil creature that moved silently, hunted at night, and sounded like a witch it was natural that they associate the owl with Halloween. Oh ! I am surprised to hear those beliefs Mr. Oak Tree said the young owl. I did not know that people looked at me as an evil creature. Do not feel depressed little one said Mr. Oak Tree. I tell you, not all people looked at you that way. To the Greek, you were the favorite creature of Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom. They believed that the gods gave the owl a magical power to see during the night and to see an owl flying over an army before the war means victory. Wow ! I liked what you said Mr. Oak Tree. I feel so proud of myself.
As the night goes deep, the Old Oak Tree noticed the children coming. Here they come little owl, it is “Trick or Treat” time. Let us welcome the children and I will introduce you to them. They have been playing around me for a long time and I enjoyed their company. They will be happy to meet you and learn about you. Come, hop on my lowest branch so they can see you. Okay, here I come said the little owl.
Hello Mr. Oak Tree, how are you ? said one of the children. We have come for the annual “Trick or Treat”. Nice to see you all kiddos said the old Oak Tree. I would like you to meet a special friend. This is Iko, a young owl. Wow ! Mr.Oak Tree, he so cute ! Can you tell us about him ? said the little girl. I will be glad to do that little girl said the Oak Tree. Gather around me and I tell more about Iko, the owl.
1. Iko, the owl is a beautiful creature and an asset to our natural ecology feeding on variety of small preys like mice, reptiles. Insects, frogs and rabbits.
2. Like most owls, he is a norcturnal animal that hunts during the night.
3. His eyes are fixed on their sockets and have a good binocular vision.
4. He can turn his head to different directions
5. He has special feathers that enable him to fly silently.
6. He has a great sense of hearing that enable him to locate and capture his prey
7. He has no teeth but they have a long and hooked bill to tear their food.
8. He sleeps during the day and is awake during the night to hunt for food.
9. The shape of his body is oval.
10. He has strong and sharp claws.
11. Aside from hooting, he creates many different vocalization : screeches, hisses and screams. Owl’s vocalizations are loud and low-pitched.
Now you know many things about Iko, the owl said the Oak Tree. That was very interesting Mr. Oak Tree said the children. It is so nice to meet you Iko, come with us and let’s do trick or treat and you will enjoy it. I loved to come said Iko. Let’s go ! Thank you Mr. Oak Tree for sharing something about the owl. HAPPY OWLLOWEEN !!!
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